“This story made it into the recently released Best British Short Stories, and deservedly so. This brief tale of isolation and connection and the dangers of both is compelling reading and has me eager to read more of Louise Palfreyman’s work.”
— Dan Powell
“...a single, memorable image...’”
— Alan Beard
“‘Time and again, in Royle’s crafty editorial hands, closely observed normality yields… to the things we “cannot control”.’”
The Front View - it was from here that The Jewel of the Orient made it into Best British Short Stories.
Litro - a London-based literary journal publishing ten times a year. Issue 141 was ‘Myths and Legends’ with a modern twist...
Flash Fiction Festival One - Seventy-four micro-fictions written by presenters and participants at the first ever literary festival entirely dedicated to flash fiction
Scaremongrel - a horror anthology from The Pigeonhole, showcasing stories from around the world.
Best British Short Stories - edited by Nicholas Royle and featuring an 'annual feast' of fiction by new and established writers.
Once Upon a Time - A lively introduction to thirty of Birmingham’s most awe-inspiring women, past and present.